Make a Difference Today!
Your financial support will enable Nurisha Trust to:
1) admit many more rural women and girls to its vocational colleges;
2) continue its outreach and community support programs that have already greatly benefitted hundreds of women.
Send Donations through Bank details below:-
Account Name: Nurisha Trust
Bank name: NCBA Bank
Branch: ABC Place
Bank address: Mara Road, Upper-hill, P.O Box 44599 - 00100 Nairobi Kenya
Bank account number: 1002929992
MPESA Donations
Paybill Number: 880100
Account Number: 1002929992
Legacy Giving
Leaving a gift in your will, after you have taken care of those closest to you can ensure women and girls in Kenya receive the education and training they need to thrive in life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I organize a fundraising activity on behalf on the Trust?
Yes, we are happy to receive such thoughtful support and are ready to help in every possible way. Do get in touch
Are there other ways to support the Trust?
Yes. One can always give in kind, because there are many families in need whom we support directly. One can also volunteer time and skills. Do get in touch with us to learn more about how this can be done
Is your organization transparent?
Yes. The bulk of the money we raise goes directly to the projects. We maintain a small management team that ensures the smooth running of the projects
Can I donate in other currencies?
Yes. We are happy to receive your support and will facilitate payments securely based on your domicile currency